Dr. Marc Heller

The Sherlock Holmes of musculoskeletal diagnosis, Dr. Marc Heller has been practicing chiropractic in the Rogue Valley for over 35 years. A nationally respected expert in tailbone, sacroiliac, and lower back pain, he specializes in chronic cases that are difficult to resolve.
Dr. Heller graduated cum laude as valedictorian from the National College of Chiropractic in 1979. He constantly updates his knowledge by studying with different teachers and learning new techniques to help his patients. His work draws from the chiropractic, osteopathic, and physical therapy teachings, with the goal of finding the right techniques for you as a unique individual. His focus is on helping you help yourself; coaching you on how to move better, and how to increase your strength and flexibility.
Dr.Heller has published over 120 articles, primarily as a columnist for Dynamic Chiropractic magazine, a national trade journal.